Arlington Economic Development Corporation


Arlington Economic Development Corporation: A Type B sales tax fund managed by a seven-member board to offer grants and loans for a variety of projects including the acquisition of land, machinery and equipment, construction costs and other items listed in the AEDC policy.

Type B Sales Tax

Please note that the Development Corporation Act was codified as of April 1, 2009 and can be found in the Local Government Code Chapters 501 – 507. GA-1066: Type B Funds for City’s Comprehensive Plan To the extent an expenditure of Type B sales tax proceeds for the services involved in the preparation of a municipal comprehensive plan by an independent contractor is within the scope of Sections 501.101 or 501.103 of the Local Government Code, it may be an authorized project under the statute. It is, however, for the board of directors of the economic development corporation to determine, in the first instance and subject to judicial review, whether an expenditure is authorized under the statute.