Success Stories

Nanoscope Technologies

December 1, 2020

Nanoscope Technologies, a company that develops novel devices and therapies for biomedical applications, is moving its headquarters to east Arlington.

The Arlington City Council approved a 10-year lease agreement with the company to use the former East Branch Library building at 1624 New York Ave. for cGMP product manufacturing space and headquarters.

Nanoscope Technologies, founded in 2009, focuses on developing groundbreaking science and technology that is designed to fulfill unmet needs in health and medicine.

“The company is in pursuit of innovation and translation of its platform technologies for changing lives of millions suffering from devastating diseases,” said Samarendra Mohanty, Nanoscope founder and president.

The company is renovating the former library building as one of the first project’s in Arlington’s federally designated Opportunity Zone. You can read more about this company and the new jobs it is bringing to east Arlington in the latest Invest in Our Economy newsletter.